Discover Why This Type of Coaching Helps So Many People & How You Can Transform Any Area of Your Life or Business - In This FREE MP3 Series!

After helping thousands for the past 30 years, Lee has proven his ability (both offline & online) to help others find greater life satisfaction, improved focus, more energy, enhanced relationships, more profitable business team building, enhanced business culture, greater purpose - improved health, finances, levels of peace & joy - And Today,...

He is giving you his FIRST STEPS Life Coaching introductory package (valued at $159) for free! 

And,...he will introduce you to a unique method of coaching that is creating very positive growth in peoples lives and businesses right now.
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Here's what you'll get when you sign up - at the BOTTOM of this page:


  • Session 1:  How Change Occurs & How Most Anything Becomes Possible - Plus access to 3 Additional Bonuses beyond this 7 part MP3 package.


  • Session 2:  Congratulations For Seeking - Who gets coaching - Do you know why people struggling with their relationships or the mega-successful like Oprah & Michael Jordan have coaches & how it helps?


  • Session 3: The Power of What You Believe - Change Begins In The Invisible Realm - Discover How To Harness This Reality For  A Better Tomorrow, Now.


  • Session 4:  If You Are Going To Lead - Know How & Why It Will Be Challenging.  The Honest Advantages & Disadvantages of "Growth Beyond Your Comfort Zone".


  • Session 5:  Defining Success For You - If You Gain A Bunch Of $$ But Your Closest Relationships Are Weak - Is That Success?


  • Session 6: How To Find Balance During 2020 - Relax,... Once These Proven Work/Life Balance Principles are working for you.


  • Session 7:  The Power of Habits & Discipline - How Both Will Supercharge You Toward Your Desired Outcome, Without "Hard Work".


  • Session 8:  The Critical Success Component of Truth Telling & Why It Needs To Be A Central Part Of Your Plan & Why It Always Works.


  • BONUS Session:  How a no cost creative option can actually pay you while you benefit from free coaching.


Get Access to these 7 Life Changing Coaching MP3's & Included PDF Workbook when you fill in the form BELOW today. 

Here's just a small sample of what others are saying about Lee's help:

"For many years Lee has facilitated growth in my life and business by guiding me to the truth and sharing proper perspective of what really matters in the challenges I've faced. Lee has the gift of encouraging me and holding me accountable simultaneously."  Kevin in Oklahoma, Business Leader


"Lee has advised me in establishing and maintaining a healthy culture in multiple businesses as well as personal coaching for navigating difficult relationship dynamics and personal decision making. His insights have been developed through experience and his impact is palpable. The ability to view situations from a multi-dimensional and long term perspective is rare in our culture these days and Lee stands out as a beacon of wisdom and strength to help those desiring to achieve holistic life victory for not only themselves, but those around them. My life, my family’s life, and my team are all better because of this man."  Jeremiah, Investor


Literally thousands of people have transformed their lives and their results from using Lee's Proven Success Principles - Now is Your Time! 


Please Note:  This package may no longer be online & therefore NOT available when Lee's separate group coaching program has filled - so since you see it now, right now is the time to grab it.


This MP3 package is totally Free to you and we won't share your email -  We don't like Spam either. 

Just complete the form below for access!

Get Your Life Coaching Gifts Now:

Over 30 Years of experience in coaching others to a greater quality of life, for many issues, coming to you in this set of 7 FREE MP3's & PDF Workbook.