Lee Armstrong - Helping People Up

Video Courses & Books below (both FREE & Paid) to help your life be one of great fulfillment!

Free Life Coaching MP3 Package

Better relationships, health, finances... For over 30 years Lee has helped many businesses & individuals - Now, he is...

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What's A Real Man - 3 Part Video Mini-Series.

Click the "Purchase Offer" button (BELOW for Cell Phone browsers) to enroll & enjoy this 3 part, FREE Video Mini-Seri...

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Wondering About The Future? - Documentary

Specific, verifiable signs appearing in America - Seemingly "saying to us" that change... FREE initial insights from ...

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Lee Speaks Coaching

After coaching thousands through many complex issues over the past 30 years, Lee is now providing convenient group, l...

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FREE Help For Leaders/Pastors - PDF Report & More...

DO YOU KNOW WHY 1,500 LEADERS/PASTORS ARE QUITTING EACH MONTH? Get insight from 2 pastors/pilot with over 60 years o...

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How Posting A Link or Graphic on FB can possibly get you paid.

Thank you for your interest! - AĀ special, free way you can possibly get paid by simply posting a unique link created ...

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Dealing With Death God's Way.

Enjoy our Free Video Overview of the Book: Dealing With Death God's Way,... then - - - If being "prepared" or helpin...

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All About Funerals.

Get access to two powerful training videos on this subject and a great, helpful book by Lee Armstrong by clicking the...

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Ministry's Not Easy - Book & Kindle on Amazon - Access

The hard-won lessons of 40 years of dealing with people while growing from a home church to over 7,000 people in loca...

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Give Us Your Feedback OR ENTER Our Contest!

Just click LEARN MORE then scroll down to leave us your input for future subjects OR Enter Our Free Contest or Ask Yo...

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Free Help For Pastors & Leaders

PLEASE NOTE: IF,... you have NOT already seen the Outstanding 3-Part Video Series on Growth & Avoiding Burnout by Pil...

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50% Complete

FREE "How To Be Happy" Video Series.  Get proven, effective advice from two men who have helped thousands over 60 years find greater happiness in life!  Plus, a PDF Summary of Key points & a personality tool to help you!  All Free.